Across The Universe

The Beatles
C5DmDm7EmFGG7Gsus48 chords used in this song
C5 | Em | Dm | Dm7 | Gsus4 | G |
C5 | Em | Dm | Dm7 | Gsus4 | G |
C5 |
C5Words are flowing out like |
| Em |
Endless | Emrain into a paper cup |
| Dm | G | G7 |
They | Dmslither wildly as they slip a | Gway across the | G7universe. |
C5 |
C5Pools of sorrow waves of joy |
| Em |
Are | Emdrifting through my opened mind |
| Dm | F |
Po | Dmssessing and ca | Fressing me. |
G | G7 |
GNothing's gonna change my | G7world |
F | C5 |
FNothing's gonna change my | C5world |
G | G7 |
GNothing's gonna change my | G7world |
F | C5 |
FNothing's gonna change my | C5world |
C5 |
C5Images of broken light, which |
Em | Dm |
EmDance before me like a million | Dmeyes, |
| G | G7 |
They call me on and on a | Gcross the uni | G7verse. |
C5 |
C5Thoughts meander like a |
| Em |
Restless | Emwind inside a letter box |
| Dm | Gsus4 | G |
They | Dmtumble blindly as they make their | Gsus4way across the | Guniverse. |
G | G7 |
GNothing's gonna change my | G7world |
F | C5 |
FNothing's gonna change my | C5world |
G | G7 |
GNothing's gonna change my | G7world |
F | C5 |
FNothing's gonna change my | C5world |
C5 |
C5Sounds of laughter, shades of life |
| Em |
Are | Emringing through my opened ears |
| Dm | F |
In | Dmciting and in | Fviting me. |
C5 |
C5Limitless undying love, which |
Em | Dm |
EmShines around me like a million | Dmsuns, |
| Gsus4 | G |
It calls me on and on a | Gsus4cross the | Guniverse |
G | G7 |
GNothing's gonna change my | G7world |
F | C5 |
FNothing's gonna change my | C5world |
G | G7 |
GNothing's gonna change my | G7world |
F | C5 |
FNothing's gonna change my | C5world |
C5 Em
A |-3---7---5-3-2-0-2-
E |-3---8---7-5-3-2-3-
C |-----------------4-
G |-------------------
Lyrics are the property and copyright of their owners, and are provided here for educational purposes only.
§ | Beatles | [ C# ] | |