The Galaxy Song

Monty Python (Eric Idle)
A7AmCD7D7sus4E7EbGG6G7GM7Gdim12 chords used in this song
Gdim | G |
GdimWhenever life get you | Gdown, Mrs. Brown |
| Gdim | G |
And | Gdimthings seem hard or | Gtough |
| Gdim | G | E7 |
And | Gdimpeople are stupid, ob | Gnoxious or | E7daft |
| A7 | D7 |
And you | A7feel that you've had quite e | D7nough |
| G | GM7 | G6 | GM7 |
Just re | Gmember that you're | GM7standing on a | G6planet that's e | GM7volving |
| G6 | G7 | D7 |
And re | G6volving at nine | G7hundred miles an | D7hour |
| D7 | D7sus4 | D7 | D7sus4 |
That's | D7orbiting at | D7sus4nineteen miles a | D7second, so it's | D7sus4reckoned |
| D7 | G | D7 |
A | D7sun that is the source of all our | Gpower | D7 |
| G | GM7 | G6 | GM7 |
The | Gsun and you and | GM7me, and all the | G6stars that we can | GM7see |
| E7 | Am |
Are | E7moving at a million miles a | Amday |
| C | Eb | G | E7 |
In an | Couter spiral | Ebarm, at forty | Gthousand miles an | E7hour |
| A7 | D7 | G |
Of the | A7galaxy we | D7call the Milky | GWay |
| G | GM7 | G6 | GM7 |
Our | Ggalaxy it | GM7self contains a | G6hundred billion | GM7stars |
| G6 | G7 | D7 |
It's a | G6hundred thousand | G7light-years side-to- | D7side |
| D7 | D7sus4 | D7 | D7sus4 |
It | D7bulges in the | D7sus4middle sixteen | D7thousand light-years | D7sus4thick |
| D7 | G | D7 |
But out by | D7us it's just three thousand light-years | Gwide | D7 |
| G | GM7 | G6 | GM7 |
We're | Gthirty thousand | GM7light-years from | G6galactic central | GM7point |
| E7 | Am |
We go | E7round every two hundred million | Amyears |
| C | Eb | G | E7 |
And our | Cgalaxy is | Ebonly one of | Gmillions of | E7billions |
| A7 | D7 | G |
In this a | A7mazing and ex | D7panding uni | Gverse |
D7 | D7sus4 | D7 | D7sus4 |
D7 | D7sus4 | D7 | D7sus4 |
| G | GM7 | G6 | GM7 |
The | Guniverse it | GM7self keeps on ex | G6panding and ex | GM7panding |
| G6 | G7 | D7 |
In | G6all of the dir | G7ections it can | D7whiz |
| D7 | D7sus4 | D7 | D7sus4 |
As | D7fast as it can | D7sus4go, at the | D7speed of light you | D7sus4know |
| D7 | G | D7 |
Twelve | D7million miles a minute and that's the | Gfastest speed there | D7is |
| G | GM7 | G6 | GM7 |
So re | Gmember, when you're | GM7feeling very | G6small and inse | GM7cure |
| E7 | Am |
How a | E7mazingly unlikely is your | Ambirth |
| C | Eb | G | E7 |
And | Cpray that there's in | Ebtelligent life | Gsomewhere up in | E7space |
| A7 | D7 | G |
Because there's | A7bugger all | D7down here on | GEarth |
Lyrics are the property and copyright of their owners, and are provided here for educational purposes only.
§ | Monty Python | [ B ] | |