The Snooker Song

Mike Batt
AmCC7DD7EbEmGG79 chords used in this song
From the musical "The Hunting of the Snark". For simplicity, I have omitted the key changes.
Then the Banker endorsed a blank cheque (which he crossed) |
And changed his loose silver for notes |
The Baker with care combed his whiskers and hair |
And shook the dust out of his coats |
The maker of Bonnets ferociously planned |
A novel arrangement of bows |
While the Billiard-marker with quivering hand |
Was chalking the tip of his nose |
G | D |
GIt's only a | Dgame, so |
G7 | C |
G7Put up a real good | Cfight, |
| G | Am | D7 |
I'm gonna be | Gsnookering you to | Amnight | D7 |
G | D7 |
GI'm famed for my | D7aim, so |
| G7 | C |
Y' | G7better believe I'm | Cright |
| G | Em |
I'm gonna be | Gsnookering | Emyou |
Am | D | G |
AmSnookering | Dyou | Gtonight |
| G | G7 |
Gazing across the | Gbaize at you, | G7 |
| Am |
My | Ambreak of fifty-eight |
D | D7 |
DOr maybe more, who can be | D7sure? |
G | D |
GTo say it's a | Dframe-up |
G7 | C |
G7Wouldn't be fair or | Cright |
| G | Am | D7 |
I'm gonna be | Gsnookering you to | Amnight | D7 |
G | D7 |
GResist me in | D7vain, but |
G7 | C |
G7Victory's in my | Csight |
| G | Em |
I'm gonna be | Gsnookering | Emyou |
Am | D | G |
AmSnookering | Dyou | Gtonight |
| G | G7 |
Snooker's the same so | Gjoin the queue | G7 |
| Am |
And | Amthink about the pink |
D | D7 |
DDon't let a red go to your | D7head |
G | D |
GIt's only a | Dgame, so |
G7 | C |
G7Put up a real good | Cfight, |
| G | Em |
I'm gonna be | Gsnookering | Emyou, |
Am | D | G |
AmSnookering | Dyou | Gtonight! |
G | Em | Am | D | G |
GSnookering | Emyou, | AmSnookering | Dyou | Gtonight! |
G | Em | Am | D | G |
GSnookering | Emyou, | AmSnookering | Dyou | Gtonight! |
Lyrics are the property and copyright of their owners, and are provided here for educational purposes only.
§ | Captian Sensible | [ F ] | |