Unguarded Moment

Steve Kilbey, Mikela Uniacke (The Church)
ABbCDEmFG7 chords used in this song
A|------- ------ ------- -
E|--0-10- 3010-- -0--10- -
C|-0-0--0 ----20 0-0---0 2
G|------- ------ ------- -
| C | F |
So | Chard finding inspi | Fration |
| C |
I knew you'd find me | Ccrying |
| G |
Tell those girls with | Grifles for minds |
| Em |
That their | Emjokes don't make me laugh |
F | C |
FThey only make me feel like | Cdying |
| F | G |
In an unguarded | Fmoment | G |
| C | F |
So | Clong, long between mi | Frages |
| C |
I knew you'd find | Cme drinking |
| G |
Tell those men with | Ghorses for hearts |
| Em |
That their | Emjibes don't make me bleed |
F | C |
FThey only make me feel like | Cshrinking |
| F | G |
In an unguarded | Fmoment | G |
| C | F |
So | Cdeep, deep without a | Fmeaning |
| C |
I knew you'd find me | Cleaving |
| G |
Tell those friends with | Gcameras for eyes |
| Em |
That their | Emhands don't make me hang |
F | C |
FThey only make me feel like | Cbreathing |
| F |
In an unguarded | Fmoment |
| C |
In an unguarded | Cmoment |
| F | G |
In an unguarded | Fmoment | G |
C | F | C |
C | FIn an unguarded | Cmoment |
C | F | G | C |
C(In an unguarded | Fmoment) In an | Gunguarded | Cmoment |
Lyrics are the property and copyright of their owners, and are provided here for educational purposes only.
§ | The Church | [ C ] | |
§ | Ruby Fields | [ C ] | |