Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite

Lennon / McCartney
AA7B7Bb6CC5DmEmFGG7GaugGm13 chords used in this song
| C5 | Gaug |
For the | C5benefit of | GaugMister Kite |
Bb6 | Dm | G7 |
Bb6There will be a | Dmshow tonight on | G7trampoline |
| C5 | Gaug |
The | C5Hendersons will | Gaugall be there |
Bb6 | Dm | A7 |
Bb6Late of Pablo | DmFanques Fair, | A7what a scene |
| Dm | F |
Over | Dmmen and horses | Fhoops and garters |
Bb6 | A7 | Dm |
Bb6Lastly through a | A7hogshead of | Dmreal fire |
| Bb6 | A | Dm |
In this | Bb6way Mister | AK will challenge the | Dmworld |
| C5 | Gaug |
The | C5celebrated | GaugMister K |
| Bb6 | Dm | G7 |
Per | Bb6forms his feat on | DmSaturday at | G7Bishopsgate |
| C5 | Gaug |
The | C5Hendersons will | Gaugdance and sing |
| Bb6 | Dm | A7 |
As | Bb6Mister Kite flys | Dmthrough the ring, | A7don't be late |
| Dm | F |
Messrs. | DmK and H as | Fsure the public |
Bb6 | A7 | Dm |
Bb6Their production | A7will be second to | Dmnone |
| Bb6 | A | Dm |
And of | Bb6course Henry The | AHorse dances the | Dmwaltz |
| C5 | Gaug |
The | C5band begins at | Gaugten to six |
| Bb6 | Dm | G7 |
When | Bb6Mister K per | Dmforms his tricks with | G7out a sound |
| C5 | Gaug |
And | C5Mister H will | Gaugdemonstrate |
| Bb6 | Dm | A7 |
Ten | Bb6somersets he'll | Dmundertake on | A7solid ground |
| Dm | F |
Having | Dmbeen some days in | Fpreparation |
| Bb6 | A7 | Dm |
A | Bb6splendid time is | A7guaranteed for | Dmall |
| Bb6 | A | Dm |
And to | Bb6night Mister | AKite is topping the | Dmbill |
Lyrics are the property and copyright of their owners, and are provided here for educational purposes only.
§ | The Beatles | [ C ] | |