The Flesh Failures (Let The Sunshine In)

Galt Macdermot, Gerome Ragni, James Rado
AmCE7FG5 chords used in this song
| Am |
We | Amstarve, look at one another short of breath |
| G |
Walking proudly in our winter | Gcoats |
Wearing smells from laboratories |
Am | C | Am | E7 |
AmFacing a dying | Cnation of | Ammoving paper | E7fantasy |
E7 | Am |
E7Listening for the new told | Amlies |
| F | C |
With | Fsupreme visions of | Clonely tunes |
Am |
AmSomewhere, inside something there is a rush of greatness |
| G |
Who knows what stands in | Gfront of our lives |
| Am | C |
I fashion my | Amfuture on | Cfilms in space |
Am | E7 |
AmSilence tells me | E7secretly |
E7 | Am | F | C |
E7Ev'ry | Amthing, | Fev'ry | Cthing |
Am |
AmSinging our space songs on a spiderweb sitar |
| G |
"Life is around you and | Gin you" |
| Am | C |
Answer for Timothy | AmLeary, | Cdeary |
Am | E7 |
AmLet the | E7sun shine |
E7 | Am |
E7Let the | Amsunshine in |
Am | E7 |
AmLet the | E7sun shine |
E7 | Am |
E7Let the | Amsunshine in |
Am | E7 |
AmLet the | E7sun shine |
E7 | Am |
E7Let the | Amsunshine in |
Am | E7 |
AmLet the | E7sun shine |
E7 | Am |
E7Let the | Amsunshine in |
Lyrics are the property and copyright of their owners, and are provided here for educational purposes only.
§ | Hair Ensemble Cast | [ Bm ] | |